Year 4 is a pivotal year for children. If students can properly grasp the foundation topics in Maths and English at this stage, they will be well prepared for the more intense pace of the following two years. This is why we have specially created a year 4 course with the year 5 course in mind to fully prepare and lead students in with a solid foundation.

  • Ten children per class, maximum.

  • Classes are 1 hour long.

  • Subjects rotate weekly between Maths and English.

  • Assessments are both formal and informal and include learning ten new spellings in each English week and ten times tables every Maths week. Spellings and tables tests are timed.

  • In Maths, topics are developed in line with the national curriculum. Our tutors aim for children to build a solid grasp of the four core methodologies (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) as well as topics such as measurement, fractions and problem-solving.

  • In English, we explore varying styles of creative writing such as story, newspaper report writing and play scripts. Significant attention is also placed on enhancing children’s technical skills within the areas of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

  • Homework is an important part of our year 4 course. Some children will have more than others as often it comprises the completion of what was set in class (extension material is always available for those wanting extra). It enables our tutors to monitor progress on a weekly basis and it allows children to consolidate the skills and knowledge that they have learned, as independent learners, at home.

  • Books are always sent home so that parents can monitor their child’s own progress. We encourage all parents to do this!